Pleiadian Peace Plan

Thank you for visiting the Pleiadian Peace Plan blog. This blog invites people to help anchor peace on Earth. According to the Pleiadians, a very powerful time to anchor peace on Earth has begun in November 2008: Day Six of the Galactic Underworld of the Mayan Calendar, which lasts until November 2009.

On this blog you will find information about the Pleiadian Peace Plan and the significance of Day Six. There is plenty of information on how you can contribute to the coming of peace. The Pleiadians showed me seven ceremonies that can be used to actively anchor peace on Earth, which I will share with you here. Suggestions for simple yet powerful ways to anchor peace from home that can be done with the whole family and are not time consuming, have also been included.

Remember that the most important steps for anchoring peace are these:

1) Go into your heart.
2) From your heart, choose peace for yourself first.
3) Then, from your heart, welcome peace on the planet.

October 27, 2008

On this blog

On this blog you will find:

- 2 channelings (*) from the Pleiadians about anchoring peace.
- 1 article about the importance of November 13, 2008.
- 7 Peace Ceremonies described in detail.

The easiest way to navigate this blog is to use the ‘list of articles’ on your left. All articles were posted in October 2008, so if you do not see any articles listed, click on October and they will appear.

I recommend that you begin by reading the 2 channelings (*) from the Pleiadians, the article about 13 November if you are curious, and then simply take your pick from the short descriptions of the seven ceremonies below. Only read a ceremony that you feel attracted to. Reading all of them is not necessary – and a lot of work.

1) Peace Ceremony of Sound
chanting, toning, drumming, stamping, dancing

2) Peace Ceremony of Water
Anchoring peace in water, e.g. seas and oceans, includes working with dolphins and whales.

3) Peace Ceremony of Sacred Geometry
Anchoring peace in the Sacred Geometry in and around the Earth.

4) Peace Ceremony of Seven Directions
East/West, South/North, Earth, Sky and Heart (3D, vertical axis and heart chakra).

5) Healing the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion
A reading/healing of the very first time the shining soul contracted and began to shut down its connection with the Light.

According to the Pleiadians this process releases the ‘glue’ with which all of our holding patterns are held together. I have worked with this process for seven months and it is very powerful and profound.

6) Peace and Reframing Catastrophobia
Recognizing and releasing the trauma in our collective subconscious that Earth and the Cosmos had almost destroyed us in a devastating cataclysm.

This is directly related to the work of Barbara Hand Clow in her 2001 book ‘Catastrophobia’. The Pleiadians insist on the importance of the release of global catastrophobia.

7) Simple Peace Ceremonies for use at home and at work
Simple and joyful mini-ceremonies that do not take a lot of time and can be done with the whole family.

The importance of November 13, 2008

In simple words: November 13, 2008 will be the start of a long period of time in which it will be very easy for us to anchor peace on Earth. The Pleiadians claim that what we anchor at the start of this period will greatly influence what we will manage to create in all the rest of it.

The Pleiadians say that it is time humanity takes back responsibility for creating peace on Earth. You can read their views on this in the two channelings on this blog, ‘Peace? Is Peace even possibe?’ and ‘Choosing from the heart’. If we do not actively choose to anchor peace, the universe will prod us into action all the same. However, if we wait for this to happen, it will be like the parent (universe) dragging the child (humanity) to his feet to make him clean his room.

We humans have long believed that we were not capable of making peace, with our brothers making such a mess (war) in our room. It is time for you to see that this is no longer true. Times have changed! You can take action now, and influence the course humanity will take in the coming years!

The Pleiadians say that if we go into our hearts and choose peace we will be able to make a huge difference. They also say that using ceremony will expand the field of our intent and make its effect much stronger!

This is why you are invited to choose peace from your heart and encouraged to participate in peace ceremonies, such as the seven ceremonies described on this blog, around November 13, 2008.

If the above is enough information for you, you can stop here and read the other articles to find out how you can contribute to anchoring peace on Earth. If you want to know more about the significance of November 13, 2008, read on below. Please be aware that what follows contains some heart and mind challenging details.

Why is November 13, 2008 so significant?

How do I know that the days around November 13, 2008 offer such a powerful opportunity for anchoring peace on Earth?

The Pleiadians have been telling me since this last Summer that peace would have to be anchored ‘very soon’ for it to blossom in the coming years. For the longest time all I felt was a rising sense of urgence. I knew that it would have to happen many weeks before the Winter Solstice, but not when this would be.

In late September the Pleiadians urged me to read ‘The Mayan Code’ by Barbara Hand Clow. I knew nothing about the Mayan calendar, but once I started reading I was instantly drawn to an image of the ‘Calleman Matrix’, which shows the beginning and end dates of the Days and Nights in the Mayan calendar. The very moment my eyes fell on Day Six of the Galactic Underworld, starting November 13, 2008, my whole body began to vibrate and I jumped to my feet. I knew that this explained why such a strange time – not a solstice or equinox – in the middle of November was the moment we had to anchor peace. Only, I did not understand what it meant, yet.

I studied ‘The Mayan Code’ as carefully as I could, which has given me a very rudimentary understanding of why the start of Day Six is so important. I will try to explain this in my own words.

Please keep in mind that I am not trying to explain the Mayan calendar. This material is totally new to me, so I am far from claiming that I even remotely comprehend the calendar. My explanation of the importance of Day Six is based on what I have read in ‘The Mayan Code’ and on what the Pleiadians tell me. What you will find below is a summary of my understanding of a book and of channeled information! Nothing more, and nothing less.

'Day Six of the Galactic Underworld'
Let me summarize my understanding of what I have read in ‘The Mayan Code’:

We are currently living in a period of time called ‘the Galactic Underworld’. It began in 1999 and is a little under 13 years long.

This Underworld of 13 years is divided in seven Days and six Nights, which are each 360 days long. You have Day One, then Night One…Day Two, then Night Two…Day Three… etc. And you end with Day Seven.

Give yourself a moment to grasp this concept before you continue.

Each of these Days and Nights has its own unique quality, which permeates the nature of events that happen while the Day or Night lasts. We are currently living in Night Five. Its quality is ‘Destruction’. Think of the current worldwide economic crisis. The quality of Day Six, which is about to begin on November 13, 2008, is ‘Flowering’.

To give you a better idea of what these qualities of the Days and Nights mean, let me take you back from the Galactic Underworld, where we are now, to the Planetary Underworld, which began in 1755. The Planetary Underworld is also divided in seven Days and six Nights, which have the same qualities as the ones during the current Galactic Underworld. This is interesting, because it means that looking at what happened during the Planetary Underworld can give us an idea of how the qualities of the Days and Nights will influence us during the Galactic!

The Planetary Underworld is 20 times longer than the Galactic Underworld. It is 256 years long, and each Day and each Night of the Planetary lasts a little under 20 years.

Night Five of the Planetary Underworld lasted from 1932 until 1952. Do you remember its quality? Destruction! Night Five covers the lead-up to WWII, the war itself and its aftermath.

Day Six of the Planetary Underworld lasted from 1952 until 1972, which is when the spiritual and peace movements took wing.

What I understand from the above, is that Day Six of the Galactic Underworld will be a time during which we will easily be able to anchor peace on Earth.

As I mentioned earlier, the Pleiadians say that what we anchor at the start of Day Six, beginning on November 13, 2008, will greatly influence what we will be able to create during the rest of Day Six. What we manage to create for ourselves between November 13, 2008 and November 8, 2009 (Day Six), will determine where we will be able to go during Night Six. And this in turn will decide where we will be during Day Seven.

The quality of Day Seven is ‘Fruition’: the blossoms of Day Six (‘Flowering’) turning into fruit. Would you like to harvest the fruits of peace? I would!

I invite you to help me water our world-tree with peace, so that the blossoms of Day Six may flourish, and that we may have nice, harmonious, juicy fruits by the end of Day Seven! :)

For more information on the Days and Nights of the Mayan Calendar, you can read these books:

- ‘The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness’ by Carl Johan Calleman
- ‘The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind’ by Barbara Hand Clow

October 26, 2008

Healing the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion

In the Spring of 2008 the Pleiadians began to give me instructions on how to heal what they call the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion. According to the Pleiadians, this process releases the ‘glue’ that holds all of our behavioural patterns and issues together. They contend that we can use this process to create a very powerful wave of peace on Earth.

In this article I first want to tell you how this works – and why. After this I will talk about how the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion can be healed, so you can work with it yourself.

What do the Pleiadians mean by the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion?
According to the Pleiadians, there once was a time when we humans all lived in light and harmony on Earth. The Pleiadians describe the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion as ‘the first time a traumatic experience or illusion caused the soul to shut down and withdraw from the Light.’

When ‘shining souls’ feel disconnected from the Light, they begin to contract. They develop beliefs and coping mechanisms which magnetize more unpleasant situations and trauma, and consequently begin a dance of facing challenges, coping and contracting. The more they contract, the less they are able to let emotions simply flow through them. Tension begins to build, resulting in emotional blocks, denial, anger, blame and – ultimately – violence and agression.

As the Pleiadians see it, all our blocks and behavioural patterns are nothing but the soul’s original bright light contracted around an illusion or trauma to cover the pain. This contraction reduces the natural flow of energy, which causes more energy blocks. New layers of tension and coping mechanisms are built on top of the first layer of contraction.

The Pleiadians say that when we release the oldest layer of contraction, all other layers will be released as well. In my work with clients I have indeed seen this happen. But how does it work?

The importance of the oldest layer
Imagine the ‘shining soul’ as a house. You can see the bright light of the soul shining in the original construction, the walls. It is a very old house; it has been here for many generations (lifetimes). Now imagine that every generation that has ever lived in this house, has put their wallpaper right on top of all the previous owners’ layers of wallpaper.

You are the healer. You enter the house and it is your job to free the soul so that its light can shine again. You can, of course, begin to scratch the wallpaper off the wall layer by layer. But you can also choose to use your healer’s skills to reach right through to the oldest layer of glue, and dissolve that. Now see how easily all the other layers will come off!

Why does this image apply to the Initial Trauma?

According to the Pleiadians, the ‘glue’ of the Initial Trauma is woven between all our holding patterns, because the Initial Trauma was the basis for the initial coping mechanism. As the layers of ‘wallpaper’ grow, the coping mechanisms grow more complex. This may distract from the Initial Trauma. Yet all our holding patterns – including the most recent ones – are held together by the Initial Trauma. Every new belief or illusion only has ‘validity’ because it is ‘proven’ by the belief that came before it. If you go back far enough, you eventually find the Initial Illusion or the Initial Trauma. Once that one is cleared, all other beliefs and illusions lose their validity as well.

Making peace by healing the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion
With a header as this one, you might expect my next words to be: “When all humans on the planet heal their Initial Trauma, we will become nice and kind people, and then we will have peace!”

Wrong! :)

According to the Pleiadians, releasing the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion allows the bright light of the soul, which was contracted around the initial trauma, to shine outwards again. The original bright light of the soul is by nature very peaceful and when it begins to shine, a subtle wave of peace energy is sent out into the world. The Pleiadians contend that we can use this energy to create a very powerful wave of peace on Earth.

The more people release their Initial Trauma and Initial Illusion, the stronger and the more tangible the wave of peace will be!

If only a small number of people release their Initial Trauma, the peace wave will still move around the planet, but it will be felt in a very subtle and subconscious way. The Pleiadians contend that when enough people release their Initial Trauma, the wave of peace energy will become so tangible that all on Earth will be able to feel it. They call this ‘peace-plasma’ – which will be around us like the air we breathe. It will inspire all humans to resonate and harmonize with the peace frequency.

With the current focus on November 13, 2008 as the start of a very powerful time to anchor peace on Earth, I want to invite every reader/healer who feels called to do so, to assist people who are willing to release their Initial Trauma in this process.

How can you heal the Initial Trauma and the Initial Illusion?

The procedure of reading and healing the Initial Trauma and Initial Illusion, is no secret. On the contrary! I am more than happy to share this information with others, so that every person who wants to experience this process can have access to it. However, I have decided not to publish the information here on this weblog. If you want to receive the information, you may email me at and I will send it to you.

!!! Before you email me, I want you to read the following comments very closely !!!

I feel compelled to point out some serious matters that you must consider if you want to work with the Initial Trauma.

In most cases you will be ‘reading’ someone else’s Initial Trauma. This is not something to be taken lightly! We are all, in varying degrees, capable of noticing subtle energies, following intuition and picking up on fragments of past lives. However: This ability does not yet make you a healer!! Without wanting to sound like an elitist, I must point out: Being a healer requires much more skill than extra-sensory perception alone!

Before you start working with the Initial Trauma, it is vital that you are absolutely certain that you have knowledge of, and are skilled in, the following areas:

1) Ethics. Do you know the difference between facilitating a person and manipulating a person? How do you handle the information you receive about the other person during a reading? Which things do you read, and which matters do you leave alone? What about the safety and trust you can offer your client? How do you handle your own opinions and judgments about the client’s story?

Be very aware that the Initial Trauma concerns deeply private and personal matters. When you read a person’s Initial Trauma, you are like the gynaecologist who is doing an internal vaginal examination on a female patient. This demands that you treat your client with uttermost care and respect! You make certain that you know what you are doing.

2) Safe boundaries. Are you capable of keeping the client’s and your own energy field seperate during a reading? Are you able to make sure that you do not start to match the client’s energy? Are you able to discern when you are reading the client, and when you are blending the client’s issues with your own? If this happens, are you capable of separating the two again? Are you able to make certain that you do not take any energy the client might release into your own field?

3) Setting a safe reading/healing space for yourself and the client. Are you capable of setting a safe energetic healing space in which you have authority over which energies may and may not enter? Are you capable of giving your healing space safe boundaries, so that your client can safely have deep emotional releases without any unpleasant energies being drawn into the healing space? Are you capable of clearing your healing space of any intense energies or emotions the client might release – in a safe and healthy way?

4) Guiding a client through emotional release. Are you capable of handling deep fears or other severe emotions that your client might feel during the session, in such a way that neither your client nor you will come to harm? Do you know how to guide your client through releasing emotions, beliefs, thoughtforms and (fear)pictures? This is very important! If someone has a strong emotional reaction to your reading and you are not capable of safely guiding him/her through, this person may become traumatized by the experience or even suffer psychological damage.

5) Self-empowerment – Not making the client dependent. Are you able to teach your client what he can do for himself, both during and after the session? Are you capable of handing the responsibility for the healing process over to your client after the session? Are you able – and willing – to make certain your client knows that he/she is not dependent on you after the session?

If you do this work correctly, you make people more independent, not less!!

I hope that my words have convinced you that reading the First Trauma is not something to experiment with, only because your perceptions are so clear. Not even for the sake of anchoring peace on Earth! If you want to contribute, I encourage you to find someone who has been thoroughly trained in the above mentioned skills, and let him or her do this reading for you.

If you are absolutely certain that you have all the above mentioned knowledge and skills, you can email me at I will only use your email address to send you information about healing the Initial Trauma, and then I will delete your email address.

Keep in mind that it is impossible for me to check whether you are truly capable of doing a safe, ethical reading/healing session with a client, or not. If you have any doubts at all, then don’t do it. Be very aware that you can create serious karma by playing with matters that can harm others, if you are not yet skilled enough to handle them properly!

Finding a healer

If you want to find a healer who can help you release your Initial Trauma, how will you know if this healer has the above mentioned knowledge and skills? This is a tricky question. I cannot give you a complete answer. But I can give you a start:

There are several institutions and (mystery) schools that teach people how to do readings and healings according to the above mentioned principles. I myself was trained in Pleiadian Lightwork as channeled and taught by Amorah Quan Yin. All students who do Pleiadian Lightwork trainings must master the five above mentioned skills, before they receive their certificate.

If you want to receive a reading from a Pleiadian Lightworker, check out the international list of Pleiadian Lightwork practitioners on

If you speak Dutch, you can look at the list of Pleiadian Lightwork practitioners in the Netherlands at

Since I am unfamiliar with most other schools and institutions, I cannot give you their names right now. But if your school or institution teaches the same skills and has the same demands for certification as I mentioned above, and if you want your school or institution to be included here, let me know.

Peace Ceremony of Water

With this peace ceremony you choose peace for yourself first, and then you ‘open the door’, so to speak, for more peace to land on the planet. You work with water – oceans, lakes, rivers, brooks, lagoons, springs… all water on the planet – in order to anchor peace. By anchoring peace in water, it will be everywhere and thus be available for all on Earth, no matter where they are.

According to the Pleiadians this ceremony is especially powerful when you work with water that has been flowing directly in or across the Earth’s surface for some time (such as a brook, spring, lake, or ocean), because this water is deeply connected with Earth already. Likewise, the water in your own body is a very powerful conductor for peace. But all water on the planet is connected, so bottled or not: you can use any water that you can find.

The basis
The most important steps for anchoring peace are these:

1) Go into your heart.
2) From your heart, choose peace for yourself first.
3) Then, from your heart, welcome peace on the planet.

Choose any location near water that works for you. You can go to the beach and do a ceremony with the ocean, or with a lake, or a tiny stream… Preferably choose a location where you are not likely to be disturbed. If there is no water near you, you can also use a glass of water, your own body, snow... Any water will do. Most importantly: it is water and you are near it.

The ceremony – preparation
There are many ways in which this ceremony can be done. If you have your own ideas you are free to use them. Below I will share what the Pleiadians showed me.

Please keep in mind that, since I have little to no experience with ceremonial work, I have written down every single step the Pleiadians helped me see. You may not need all this.

The Pleiadians show me images of people standing in a semi-circle by the waterside, in which the water makes the circle complete. You can also choose to do a full circle ceremony near water, or, if you want, form a circle while standing in water. (If it is too cold where you live, you could do this in a swimming pool or hot spring.) If almost the entire circle stands on land and only one person stands in the water, the ceremony will be very powerful as well. Make sure you read the final notes at the end of this post if you want to do this one!

There are also much simpler ways: You can sit down on a bench near the pond in the city-park. Or do the ceremony at home on the couch with a cup of water. It doesn’t really matter, as long as you are near water and are able to connect with it. Connecting with water can be physical contact, but this is not necessary! There is no need to risk a plunge in the river in order to touch the water! You can simply imagine that you connect with the water that is near you, even if it is just beyond your reach.

If you use a circle, make it the way you like it. Perhaps you want to build an altar to the four directions, or bring special objects, or perhaps you want to burn candles, sage or incense. Maybe you only want to form a circle.

When you are ready to begin:

- Take a moment with the group to focus your attention on what you are about to do. Maybe you want to sing or pray, or speak your intention out loud. Maybe you just want to be silent for a moment to focus your attention within the group or the circle. If you do this ceremony alone you, too, focus your attention on what you are about to do.

- If you want to call on guides, animals, other spirits or beings of light to be with you, do so now. Feel how they come into the circle/space. You can make your circle/space as powerful as you want. However, this is not necessary for anchoring peace. The only important thing is that you, humans, choose peace from your hearts.

- Those who wish to do this can set the intention to honour Free Will, to be as ethical as possible, to serve the Light, use your own words.

The ceremony Optional steps in italics

1) Ground yourself. Feel your feet on the floor.

1a) Optional: Connect with or pray to the four directions, East, West, South and North. This will keep you grounded in and connected to the third dimension.

1b) Optional: Visualize a vertical beam of very clear, bright light which runs through your crown chakra, spine and root chakra. See how it runs down below your root chakra and connects you to the core of the planet. Take a moment to feel this connection. Now bring your attention up through your body to your crown, and see how the beam of light continues above your crown chakra, up through the dimensions, connecting you to Source. Take a moment to feel your connection to Source. Then return your attention to your body and become aware of the people around you. Take a few deep breaths. Feel your feet on the ground.

If you feel spacy, place your hands on the ground for a few moments. This will help to bring you back.

2) Focus on your heart chakra. Bring your awareness into your heart and think about peace. Imagine that there is peace on Earth today, and tomorrow, and in all days of the coming years. Don’t think about how this should come to pass, just imagine it as if it is already here.

3) From your heart, choose to have peace in yourself, in your body and in your life. Welcome peace into your heart and feel how it warms and softens you. If you feel any tension or emotion, breathe gently and just allow it to be there. Invite more peace into your heart and feel how your heart and your chest soften, open and relax.

3a) Optional: If you think that the ‘peace-feeling’ begins to weaken, choose and welcome peace in your heart anew. It may be that you need to choose peace a few times more.

4) When you feel the arrival of peace in your heart, choose in your heart to anchor peace on Earth. Imagine that peace will simply come flowing down the moment you invite more peace. Feel the warm cloud of ‘peace-plasma’ surrounding you and your circle.

5) Ask Earth to receive peace and feel, see or imagine how the peace energy gently begins to filter into the Earth.

6) Now connect yourself with water. Bring you attention to the water that is near you, and from your heart, ask the water to receive the peace energy and to help you anchor peace in all water around the planet.

7) Find you own way to bring peace towards the water. Simply intend that peace will flow to the water and watch while it happens. If you want, you can touch the water and imagine that the peace-plasma – the peaceful feeling that surrounds you – flows into the water via your hand. You can also do this without touching the water. With one open handpalm facing up you can receive the peace energy you have welcomed on Earth, and let it flow into the water via your other hand. Do not force anything. Bring peace to the water and then simply let it go where it wants to go.

8) Now imagine that you can easily connect with a whale or dolphin with your thoughts or with your heart. Just imagine that you can easily reach them. Ask this dolphin or whale to help you anchor peace on Earth – and in water. Ask them to include more of their species to help, too.

9) Welcome peace on Earth where the dolphin or whale is. Or intend that the peace energy that flows into the water near you will also flow to the whale or dolphin. This is very easy. Peace energy can move through water with great ease and incredible speed. Besides: all water on the planet is connected. Peace energy that flows into a glass of water on your table can still reach a dolphin or whale on the other side of the planet within a mere moment. Try it!

Maybe you can feel or ‘see’ how the dolphins and whales help anchor peace with their bodies. For whales and dolphins this is an ecstatic experience that makes them feel really happy. Maybe you ‘hear’ them using their whistling and clicking to let peace energy resonate in water, or perhaps you ‘see’ them expressing their joy through play. But even if you do not consciously perceive anything, you can trust that the dolphins and whales will help you. According to the Pleiadians, dolphins and whales have been anchoring peace energy on Earth for thousands of years. They will be more than happy to work with you.

10) When you feel that the flow of peace begins to lessen, you can choose to end the ceremony. You can also choose to welcome peace on Earth anew. Let peace flow for as long as you want.

11) When you are complete, thank the water, the dolphins and whales and Earth for their willingness to receive and anchor peace, and for helping you. If you asked any animals, guides, spirits or light beings to be with you, thank them for their presence and their support. If you want, you can celebrate with each other and with the water near you that peace has landed. Maybe you want to play with the water, or drink a glas of it. You might want to stretch, dance or go for a walk. Or you may just be done with the ceremony and continue your day.

Final notes
If you do this ceremony with a group, some of you can consciously welcome more peace into your circle, while the others let the peace energy flow into the water. Keep in mind that before you can do this, all of you have to choose and welcome peace for themselves and for the planet first.

If only one of your circle stands in the water, keep an eye on this person(!) and make sure (s)he does not become tired. Switch roles if needed and let someone else stand in the water for a while. You can also have more people standing in the water.


October 22, 2008

Peace Ceremony Seven Directions

In this ceremony you bring yourself in harmony with Earth, the Cosmos, the four directions and yourself (heart), in preparation for choosing peace for yourself and the planet.

According to the Pleiadians one of the reasons we do not have peace on Earth, is that we have fallen out of our harmonious connection with Earth and the Cosmos (the vertical axis), and that we no longer balance this harmonious connection in our hearts and in 3D by connecting to the four directions (East, West, South and North).

In preparation for this ceremony you can lay out an altar to the four directions, but this is not necessary.

The image the Pleiadians give me for this ceremony is that all participants sit in a semi-circle, each person facing East, with their backs to the West and their sides to North and South. They say that it is also possible to have all participants sit or stand in a full circle, if you know how to work with the energy of ceremonial circles.

If you have an altar or fire, place it where the center of the circle would be if the semi-circle was a full circle.

If you do this ceremony at sunrise, you can have an additional altar or sacred object right on the East-West line through the altar at the center of your circle, on the East side (on the open side of the semi-circle), to project the energies of your group towards the Sun and to receive cosmic energies from the Sun into your circle. This clearly signals to the Sun and the universe that you are anchoring peace on Earth. It also enables your group to receive peace energies from the Cosmos through the Sun, so you can anchor them on Earth.

The ceremony
(Optional steps in italics)

1) Begin with the four directions. Orient yourself to the East and West, North and South. Feel, honour and interact with the energies coming to you from each direction. Feel how your body balances itself in the center of this horizontal grid.

2) Next, visualize a vertical beam of bright light which runs through your crown chakra, spine and root chakra. This is your light. See how the beam runs down below your root chakra straight into the Earth, where it connects you to the core of the planet. Take a moment to feel this connection.

3) Now bring your awareness back into your body. Follow the beam of light up through your body to your crown, and see how it goes further up above your crown chakra, up through the dimensions, connecting you to Source. Take a moment to feel your connection to Source.

4) Return your attention to your body and feel yourself at the center of this vertical axis. Earth below you. Sky above.

5) Feel how your vertical axis is at the center of the four directions, East, West, North and South.

6) Now move your awareness into your heart. This is your center. This is where you interact with the other six directions. Stay here for a moment. Breathe into your heart. See if you can let your chest relax with each exhalation. Feel how your heart softens and expands. Keep breathing into your heart and allow any tension you might feel to just glide away with every exhalation. Feel your heart opening.

6b) Optional: Stay in your heart. Feel the energies from the East, the West, the North and the South coming into your heart, and feel the energy in your heart going out to the East, West, North and South. Take your time. Feel how the energies from these four directions interact with you and how you interact with them.

Feel the energy from Earth coming into your heart and feel the energy from your heart going into Earth. Keep your focus in your heart and feel how Earth’s energy interacts with you, and how you interact with it.

Feel the energy from the Cosmos coming into your heart and feel the light that is radiating out from your heart shining up the vertical axis. Don’t follow it, stay in your heart. Just watch the light from your heart shining out from your heart, knowing that it will touch all dimensions up there. Feel how the Cosmic Light touches you in your heart, and feel how it interacts with you. Feel how you interact with the Cosmic Light in your heart.

Feel how your heart is the center where all six directions meet, where they connect with you, and where you can connect with them. Feel how you are grounded and in your body while you communicate with the six directions from your heart.

7) When you feel that you are grounded in your body, in the center of East, West, North and South, in the center of the vertical axis and in your heart, it is time to consider the next step.

According to the Pleiadians, balancing yourself the way you just did has already contributed greatly to bringing about peace on Earth. You can choose to end the ceremony here. Or, if you want to continue, you can choose peace for yourself and for the planet.

8) Bring your awareness into your heart.

9) Think about peace. Imagine that there is peace on Earth today, and tomorrow, and in all days of the coming years. Don’t think about how this should come to pass, just imagine it as if it is already here. See yourself living in peace, enjoying it.

10) From your heart, choose to have peace for yourself. Choose to have peace in your life and in your body. Welcome peace into your heart.

11) When you feel the arrival of peace in your heart, choose in your heart to welcome and anchor peace on Earth. Imagine that peace will simply come flowing down the moment you invite and welcome more peace on Earth. Feel peace coming down around you and feel how it surrounds you in your circle. Ask Earth to receive the peace energy.

12) Stay in your heart. Feel how peace flows through your heart and out to the four directions, East, West, North and South. Feel how peace flows into the Earth. Feel how the peace that you anchor here is reflected back up into the Cosmos. Stay with this feeling for a while.

Some additional suggestions from the Pleiadians for next steps:

13a) Once you have welcomed peace into your heart, you can welcome as much peace on Earth as you want. Let peace flow around you in your (semi-)circle, and when you are ready, see the peace energy flowing out of your circle like a swirling, warm wind. See how it flows around the entire surface of the planet. Just let it go there. Do not force it. Just let it go where it wants to go.

13b) If you feel a smile coming: Smile! If you are with a group, smile at each other.

13c) Hold hands and face the center of your semi-circle while you stay centered in your heart, connected to the Seven Directions. Allow peace and the light of your smiles to flow through your semi-circle. When you feel the peace energy culminating, use the group intent to let the peace energy flow into the center of your semi-circle and from there down into the Earth, or up, through the vertical axis above the central altar out to the Cosmos, or out to the four directions, East, West, North and South.

13d) If you are doing this ceremony at sunrise with an additional altar to the East as shown in the image above, you can choose to send a little bit of peace energy via the central altar into the additional eastern altar and from there out towards the Sun. You don’t have to make it very strong. See it as waving hello to the Sun and the Cosmos. “Hi, Sun! Hi, Cosmos! Much love from Earth!”

The Pleiadians say that the shape of the semi-circle with the additional altar in the East, will allow the Cosmos to see what you are doing and to interact with you. The energies of the Cosmos already know peace, but they will love it when you share a little bit of your newfound peace with them!

14) When you are done, thank the Seven Directions (six directions and yourself!) for working and interacting with you. Especially thank the Earth for receiving the peace energy. Thank each other!

You probably still feel grounded and in your body. But if you do feel a little light-headed or over-excited, take a few deep, slow breaths and feel your feet on the ground. If you still feel spacy, place your hands on the ground for a minute. This will help to bring you back.

Make sure to drink plenty of water after this ceremony!


If you want to learn more about the vertical axis, I highly recommend the book 'Alchemy of Nine Dimensions: Decoding the Vertical Axis, Crop Circles, and the Mayan Calendar' by Barbara Hand Clow and Gerry Clow.

October 21, 2008

Simple Peace Ceremonies for use at home and at work

If you want anchor peace on Earth in a simple way that doesn’t take a lot of time, you will find some suggestions below, all of which can be done with the whole family.

- Make an altar. For example, place a picture or a flower or another symbol of peace on your window sill, on your desk at work, or on a table, and say: “With this (flower) I choose peace.”

- Spend some special time with your family. Sit down with your kids and your partner and talk about peace. Tell your children that they can choose in their hearts what they want for the planet. Explain that this way they can always contribute to having peace on Earth if they want to. Ask them if they would like to choose peace for themselves and for Earth. Note: Respect your children’s freedom to choose for themselves. Don’t put any pressure on them. If they do not feel like choosing peace right now, that’s fine. Simply enjoy the one on one time with them.

Make mini-ceremonies. The Pleiadians suggest the following mini-ceremonies:

- Fill a bowl with water and take it outside. Dip your hand in the water and sprinkle the drops that drip from your fingers onto the Earth. Say: “With this water I give you peace, Earth!”

You can do this with one or all of the plants in your garden, or with the potted plants in your home. You can include the (paving) stones on the drive way, the sand between the plants, and your house, too! This one is wonderful to do with the whole family.

- Give your pet a treat or a bit of its usual food, and say: “With this treat I give you peace, (name pet)!” Or feed bread crumbs and fruit to the birds and squirrels and say: “With these crumbs and apples I give you peace, birds and squirrels!”

- You can even give peace to each other! For example, take a few raisins, berries or other little snacks and give peace to each other with each little raisin. You can do this with (small) children, too. Of course, you can also use waterdrops or kisses to give each other peace. Have a giggle!

Why does this work?

Once you have chosen peace in your heart, you can give peace to all around you. Humans have a right to welcome peace on Earth and to share it with others. By giving peace to the Earth, to the animals, plants, the elementals (e.g. stones, the wind) and each other, you help anchor peace on Earth.

The three most important steps for anchoring peace on Earth are:

1) Go into your heart.
2) From your heart, choose peace for yourself first.
3) Then, from your heart, welcome peace on the planet.


Peace Ceremony Sacred Geometry

According to the Pleiadians peace can be anchored in the Sacred Geometry of Earth. When I use my third eye to look at this, I see complex circular and triangular lines of light both in and around the planet. I see initiates who know how to work with these lines of light welcoming peace on Earth from the higher dimensions, grounding the peace energy into their bodies and then letting the peace energy run into the geometric lines of light. According to the Pleiadians this is a very powerful way to anchor peace on Earth.

Not being an initiate in working with Sacred Geometry myself, I cannot describe to you how this is done. However, the Pleiadians say that many among you have been initiated and taught how to work with Sacred Geometry. It is important that you know that you can use this knowledge to help anchor peace on Earth. Whether you do this in a group or alone does not matter.

The only suggestion I want to make, is that you use the three most important, basic steps for anchoring peace on Earth:

1) Go into your heart.
2) From your heart, choose peace for yourself first.
3) Then, from your heart, welcome peace on the planet.

October 18, 2008

Peace and Reframing Catastrophobia

In this ceremony you begin to release your (sub)conscious fear of catastrophes - catastrophobia - and to heal your relationship with Earth and the Cosmos.

What is catastrophobia?

The phenomenon of catastrophobia was first explored and named by Barbara Hand Clow. She noticed that humans are very fear-based and obsessed with the end of the world and that, as a species, we are very destructive and unwilling to look at important matters, such as how to take care of our environment.

In her 2001 book ‘Catastrophobia: The Truth behind Earth Changes in the Coming Age of Light’ Clow brings together scientific evidence for a great cataclysm which wrecked the Earth 11,500 years ago and caused the extinction of many species. According to Clow, the trauma of this great cataclysm is still present in our racial memory, which is the ‘species memory’ that gives animals the intuitive knowledge of how to survive in times of extreme hardship, even if they have not lived long enough to see such hardship themselves.

Clow reasons that the memory of this great cataclysm is the driving force behind the violent, traumatized behaviour our species has displayed throughout written history up until today. She also believes that humans project the suppressed trauma of the cataclysm into the future, and that this is the origin of our resilient belief and fear that we are on the verge of a mass destruction. But the destruction has already happened! It is in the past!

Clow points out that our belief in the approaching end of the world results in our present day ecocidal and suicidal attitudes. She emphasizes that for humanity to become a peaceful species, we have to recognize and remember this old, repressed trauma to allow our healing to begin.

About the ceremony

As I prepared to get the information about humans anchoring peace out to the world, the Pleiadians continued to stress the importance of recognizing and releasing catastrophobia. They say that the traumatic memory of the cataclysm has given our species a deep distrust of Earth and the Cosmos! The Pleiadians say that for humanity to become a peaceful species, it is of utmost importance that we release this distrust and live in balance, harmony and light with Earth and the Cosmos again.

According to the Pleiadians, the trauma of the cataclysm was not just within the physical experience. They say that it was deeply traumatic for humanity when we stopped trusting Earth and the Cosmos and withdrew ourselves from our open connection with the Light. Our ‘shining souls’ had been accustomed to multidimensional awareness and to living in harmonious balance with Earth and the Cosmos, and all of a sudden we felt disconnected from the Light.

As I (Maaike) have seen while working with the Initial Trauma (see post on this topic), when shining souls feel disconnected from the Light, they begin to contract. They develop beliefs and coping mechanisms which magnetize more unpleasant situations and trauma, and consequently begin a dance of facing challenges, coping and contracting. The more they contract, the less they are able to allow emotion to simply flow through them. Tension begins to build, resulting in emotional blocks, denial, anger, blame and – ultimately – violence and agression.

Disconnecting from the Light has made the trauma of the cataclysm more complex. Not only was our physical reality drastically upset, we also lost our inner and outer harmony. The Pleiadians say that one of the easiest ways to heal this wound is to let go of our distrust of Earth and the Cosmos, which takes the weed out by the root.

The focus of this ceremony will therefore be to acknowledge the cataclysmic trauma and to heal your relationship with Earth and the Cosmos.

The ceremony

There are many ways in which reframing can be done. Below you will find one suggestion, but you are free to use whichever other meditation or reframing technique you like. I am aware that this is a meditation – not quite what one would call a ceremony. The Pleiadians comment that healing one’s relationship with Earth and the Cosmos is sacred action, and therefore they say this is a ceremony, a private mini-ceremony between Earth, the Cosmos and yourself. --- You can do this meditation with a group as well.

1) Get comfortable. Sit or lie down where you like it best.

2) Take some nice, deep breaths. Feel your feet. Feel how your weight gently presses into the surface you are lying or sitting on.

3) See if you can make yourself really quiet inside. Release your worries and thoughts with each exhalation. Just allow any inner chatter or trouble to fly away with your breath. Take your time.

4) Think about what you have just read. Long ago there was a time when you completely trusted the Cosmos and lived in harmony with Earth. Ask yourself if there is any part of you that still remembers what this was like. Maybe your body knows? Or your spirit? Just ask. This is not about getting an answer. It is about asking the question.

5) You now know that something happened which caused you to split from the Light. You have just read about a great cataclysm that wrecked the Earth. There may be similar or other memories in your subconscious of traumas which made you distrust Earth and the Cosmos, causing you to withdraw from your connection with them – including memories from this lifetime.

Relax. Observe your feelings. Grasping the vastness of this trauma may be a little beyond your reach right now. It is enough to know that it was there. Just take notice.

6) When you are ready, you can begin to heal your relationship with Earth and the Cosmos by intending in your heart that this is what you want to do. Simply use your intent. You can tell the Earth and the Cosmos from your heart that you want to heal your relationship with them. If you want, you can write your intention on a piece of paper. Take a moment to stay with your intention in silence.

The above is enough to begin your healing process. You can finish your ceremony/meditation here. Remember that you may still have a long way to go. You may need to release a lot of anger, fear, grief, or other emotions before you are willing to trust Earth and the Cosmos again. This ceremony is not about doing this all in one day. Simply intend, and the rest will follow.

Peace Ceremony of Sound

In this ceremony you choose peace for yourself first and then you ‘open the door’, so to speak, for more peace to land on the planet. You use sound – singing, chanting, toning, drumming, stamping your feet, and dance – to bring peace down to Earth and to anchor it in 3D.

The basis
The most important steps for anchoring peace are these:

1) Go into your heart.
2) From your heart, choose peace for yourself first.
3) Then, from your heart, welcome peace on the planet.

You can do this ceremony in any location where it is possible to be really noisy! :) Indoors, outdoors, in the woods, a town square, in a hall, on your own at home…any place you love to be for chanting, drumming, stamping and dancing.

It is probably a good idea to think of the neighbours…or ask them to join in! :)

About the ceremony
The Pleiadians have given me a flood of images of how these ceremonies can be done, which I will share with you here. Please keep in mind that, since I have little to no experience with ceremonial work, I have written down every step that the Pleiadians helped me see. You may not need all this.

Besides singing, chanting and toning, I see people drumming, stamping their feet on the ground and I also see them using what I would call ‘pounding-sticks’.

Pounding-sticks: These look like thick broomsticks with a sturdy, round block of wood or stone on one end. People hold the sticks upright and rhythmically pound the ground with the block. Have you ever seen indigenous African women using long, sturdy pieces of wood to pound the contents of large stone barrels for hours and hours? That is exactly what it looks like. The pounding-sticks are long enough for people to stand up straight with both hands around the stick at solar plexus and throat chakra height when the block is on the ground.

When I use my third eye to look at this ceremony, I see the chanting, toning and drumming acting as conductors for peace to come down to Earth. Peace flows around the humans doing the ceremony and it already begins to trickle into the ground. Then the stamping of the feet and the pounding of the pounding-sticks open the Earth more and more. Now peace really begins to flow. I see Earth willing to receive the peace wave, and the stamping enhances the contact between Earth and humans.

Those of you who are experienced in the ceremonial field can skip this part and go straight to the 9 steps of the Sound Ceremony, below.

Prepare your space in any way you like. You can choose to build an altar to the four directions; you can use fire (candles, torches, camp fire) or special objects; you can bring food, water, sage and incense for the elementals and ask them to dance with you…: Be creative! Doing the ceremony by moon- and starlight is very powerful, especially during the full moon. The next full moon is on 13 november!

The participants can all form a circle, but it is also possible to have some people forming a circle while others are chanting, stamping and dancing inside the circle. You could also make a circle with stones or other objects and have all participants chanting, stamping and drumming inside the circle. Or you could dance around a camp fire. The Pleiadians say that using a circle is powerful, but not necessary. So it is also possible to drum, chant and stamp without using a circle at all.

This is a ceremony for the entire community in which all, including children, weak people and elderly people, can participate. Those who cannot stand or dance, can sit down, clap their hands, sing or hum along, whatever feels right for them. Let the children drum, chant, dance and stamp along with you. They will love it!

When everyone is ready to get started:

- Take a moment with the whole group to focus your attention on what you are about to do. Maybe you want to sing or pray, or speak your intention out loud. Maybe you just want to be silent for a moment to focus your attention within the group or the circle. If you do this ceremony alone, you, too, focus your attention on what you are about to do.

- Those who wish to can set the intention to honour Free Will, to be as ethical as possible, to serve the Light, use your own words.

The ceremony
1) Ground yourselves. Firmly stamp your feet on the ground a few times. This is fun to do together!

2) Softly let the drumming and the chanting/toning begin.

3a) If you want to call on guides, animals, other spirits or beings of light to be with you, do so now. Feel how they come into the circle/space invited by the drumming and chanting. Do keep in mind that you, humans, will be the ones inviting peace for yourselves and for the planet. Your guides, the spirits and the beings of light will help you, but you, the humans, have to do it.

3b) Optional: Connect to the four directions, East, West, South and North. This will ground you and keep you connected to the third dimension.

3c) Optional: Visualize a vertical beam of very clear, bright light which runs through your crown chakra, spine and root chakra. See how it runs down below your root chakra and connects you to the core of the planet. Take a moment to feel this connection. Now bring your attention to your crown, and see how the beam of light goes further up above your crown chakra, up through the dimensions, connecting you to Source. Take a moment to feel your connection to Source. Then return your attention to your body and become aware of the people around you. Take a few deep breaths. Feel your feet on the ground.

If you feel spacy, place your hands on the ground for a few moments. This will help to bring you back.

4) Focus on your heart chakra. Bring your awareness into your heart chakra. While the toning and drumming continue, think about peace. Imagine that there is peace on Earth today, and tomorrow, and in all days of the coming years. Don’t think about how this should come to pass, just imagine it as if it is already here. Use the sound of the drums and the chanting to let go of any doubts and to strengthen your image of peace.

5) From your heart, choose to have peace in yourself, in your body and in your life. Let your singing and drumming be an invitation for peace and use the sound to welcome peace into your heart. Feel how peace flows into your heart. If you feel any tension or emotion, allow it to come and let it fly away on the sound of the drums and chanting. Invite more peace into your heart and feel how your heart and your chest soften, open and relax.

6) When your feel the arrival of peace in your heart, choose in your heart to anchor peace on Earth. Imagine that peace will simply come flowing down the moment you invite and welcome more peace on Earth. Feel peace coming down around you and feel how it surrounds you in your circle and how it ‘dances’ with the sound of your singing and drumming. Ask Earth to receive the peace energy.

7) Drum, stamp, pound, chant, tone and sing peace to and into the Earth. Feel how Earth receives your peace. Let peace flow around you, through your circle or space, and when you are ready, see peace flow out of your circle like a swirling, warm wind. See how it flows around the entire surface of the planet while you keep on drumming and chanting. Do not force it. Just let it go where it wants to go. Stamp your feet on the ground and pound with your pounding-sticks. Bring peace on Earth for the coming Age of Light.

8) When you feel that peace is landing: Celebrate! Sing, dance, stamp your feet! If you want to get ecstatic, do it! Chant and dance and celebrate the Peace Celebration with each other, with Earth and with the Cosmos and with all lightbeings and spirits who have come to celebrate with you. And while you are in ecstasy, ground the love, the peace, the joy and the excitement by stamping and drumming.

9) When you are done, thank the Earth for receiving peace from you. Thank the spirits, animals and beings of light who have celebrated and danced with you. Thank yourself and each other. Then take the joy home with you.


October 16, 2008

* Choosing from the heart

Below is an excerpt of an October 15, 2008 channeling from the Pleiadians about choosing from the heart and how to make peace.

The Pleiadians say that the way we influence our reality through the choices in our heart, is like making soup.

Every choice you make adds an ingredient to the soup. Your choice to have peace for yourself is like choosing to put carrots in your soup. When you choose peace for yourself from your heart, then your life’s soup will have carrots in it.

Now imagine the ‘world-soup’. Imagine that all humans pour their soup into an enormous cooking pot, large enough to hold all the soup of every human on the planet. Can you see it?
Imagine that you pour your bowl of carrot soup into the enormous cooking pot and watch how the Earth’s spin stirs the contents. Can you still see your carrots? They are still in there. You have added them. But can you find them? Ah yes! There’s one! Hmm…now it is gone. Disappeared in the vast pot of world-soup.

According to the Pleiadians our world-soup has become rather unpleasant to the taste over the years, as a result of our despair and sombre attitudes combined with the violence, greed and disharmony our species have been adding to the soup.

What we choose and wish in our hearts becomes an ingredient of the soup!

While a small number of humans actively pollute the world-soup with war and hate, all the rest of us go “Ew!”. Think about this for a moment. Picture yourself in the kitchen. What do you do when you have added too much of a bitter ingredient to your soup? Do you stare at your soup in horror and stop adding any ingredients at all? Do you add more vile tasting ingredients? Or do you try to balance it out?

The Pleiadians are amused when they watch us ‘cook’ our world-soup. We humans feel great revulsion when we look at the ingredients the Elite are pouring into the soup. And yet we do little to counter-act this by means of staying in our hearts and choosing actively what we do want. Instead, we add hopelessness and despair to the war and violence the Elite pour in.

See yourself in the kitchen. Someone has added too much war to your soup. Which ingredient do you suppose would best counterbalance that vile taste? Love? Harmony? Peace? Why don’t you have a go and see what it will do?

"Your reality is not shaped by the choices of those in the government office. Your reality is shaped inside your hearts. Your governments have taught you to believe that they are in charge. That you voted them into their seats, so now you must do as they say. This is a lie.

Reality on Earth has always been shaped by what lives in the hearts of every human being on the planet. Your governments have always known this. They know that they will be powerless to control you, much less life on Earth, the very moment you go into your hearts and choose for yourselves what you want!

Your governments have gone to great lengths to make certain you are unaware of your ability to choose and vote with your heart. They have told you that if you want change, you have to vote the man at the helm out of his office. You are told that you have input - and long live democracy. But from our point of view, your democracy is only a jab at what freedom truly means. You run around mutely, waiting for your chance to ‘be heard’ through the voting machine, believing that until the following elections you have been struck dumb again. This is a lie!

You can vote every day! Simply go into your heart and choose!

Now why do we, Pleiadians, tell you to not only choose peace for yourselves, but also for the Earth? Because you have a right to! Earth is like your living room, your playground. Earth is where you live out your lives, and you have a right to choose what your playground will look like. This is what the world-soup is all about.

You have a right to welcome peace onto the planet, because this will shape the environment in which you live out your life. It will determine the taste of your soup. Your governments know this. Your Elite has been actively using this right to welcome dominating and controlling forces onto the planet.

It is time you wake up and use your right to choose which ingredients you want to add to the world-soup!"

October 15, 2008

* Peace? Is peace even possible?

On October 11, 2008 I channeled a message from the Pleiadians, addressing how humans have lost faith that peace can come in the next few years, and how this blocks us from anchoring peace now.

“We – the Pleiadians – can see that many of you have lost faith in a positive end of the Mayan Calendar. Although we understand this, you must know that you are fooling yourselves. You base your ideas about what is possible within a few years time on your history books, and on your own memories of your life before 1999.

As Barbara Hand Clow and Carl Johan Calleman have explained in their work, time and your evolution have accelerated in 1999. You believe that peace is impossible, because when you look around you see chaos, violence and brutal abuse of power. However:

Time acceleration and evolutionary speed-up force all unprocessed issues to the surface in a shorter amount of time!

We understand that this makes you feel as if you have been tossed into a spinning tumble dryer. The good news is that the processing of these unresolved issues also happens faster. It will not take so long for you to come out on the other side.

We, the Pleiadians, want to help you anchor peace on Earth. We want you to see that as long as you continue to believe that peace is not attainable within the coming few years, you are blocking yourselves. We can barely reach you when you are in this state. Many of you are like small children who cover their ears and eyes with their hands, unable to watch any longer. Why doesn’t the promised peace come?! The world is falling apart!

Do not worry and open your eyes. Peace is already within your reach. You – humans – are the ones who have the ability to anchor peace on Earth now. All you have to do is go into your hearts and choose to welcome peace. You have the ability to fill the entire world with a wave of peace, which will be felt by all beings on Earth.

Every human being has a right to choose which energy is welcome on the planet. Forget about presidential elections. Choose inside your heart and your heart’s vote will come into effect immediately.

The current state of war on your planet lures you into a realm of hopelessness. Remember that a person without hope for peace neither wishes for peace, nor votes for peace in his heart, while others on your planet are actively voting for more darkness and war. By disbelieving that peace can come, you are serving their agenda!

Wake up Now and Choose peace for yourselves! Don’t be fooled any longer! Let go of your fear of disappointment and ignore what history tells you about how long it takes to make peace. These are quicker times and you can accomplish anything you want much faster. Use your right to choose what it is you want on this planet.

Peace is not only possible, it is even likely to come to your planet in the coming few years. So just relax.

From our perspective the worst will be over for you as soon as you trust peace again and choose to anchor peace on Earth now.

We wish you humans much joy in finding your peace again and we look forward to working with you to anchor peace on Earth. Once peace has landed, we will dance with you at the large, worldwide celebration of your liberation.”